An approved development plan shall become for the proposed development a binding commitment of the specific elements approved for development.
   (A)   The approved development plan may not be transferred by the applicant to another person, corporation, or group of individuals or corporations prior to the issuance of a building permit, without the written approval of the Planning Commission. A request for such a transfer or change of ownership shall be presented to the Planning Commission and granted only if the new ownership entity satisfies the administrative, financial, legal and all other performance guarantees approved with the original development plan.
   (B)   After the approval of the development plans, the applicant shall obtain a zoning certificate and building permit prior to construction.
   (C)   All construction and development under any building permit shall be in accordance with the approved plan. Any departure from such plan shall be cause for revocation of the Zoning Certificate.
   (D)   No certificate of occupancy shall be issued unless all facilities and improvements that are included on the approved plans are provided.
(Ord. 5-2005, passed 3-23-05)