City Council is established by Charter. In general, without limiting the specific powers and duties set forth in the Charter or this Zoning Code, Council shall have the following powers and duties:
(A) To initiate or act upon proposed amendments to this Zoning Code, according to the procedures set forth herein.
(B) To review and act upon the recommendation from the Planning Commission for approval of a conditional use.
(C) To review and act upon the recommendation from the Planning Commission regarding the determination of a similar use.
(D) To review and act upon the recommendation from the Planning Commission, for approval of a proposed use that is not listed as a permitted or conditional use in the district it is proposed.
(E) To review and act upon the recommendation from the Landmarks Commission for the designation of a landmark.
(F) To review and act on Subdivision Improvement Plans pursuant to the requirements set forth in Chapter 156.02.
(G) To review and act upon appeals as provided herein.
(H) To review and act upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve site plans with equivalencies.
(Ord. 5-2005, passed 3-23-05)