(A)   Establishment. The Planning Commission shall consist of seven members, as established by the Charter and appointed by Council to serve a four-year term.
   (B)   Powers and Duties. In general, without limiting the specific powers and duties set forth in the Charter or this Zoning Code, the Planning Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
      (1)   Make and adopt plans and maps of the City of Montgomery and periodically amend, extend, delete or add to the plans and maps.
      (2)   Review and act on all development plans required by this Zoning Code.
      (3)   Review and act on all applications for conditional use permits, proposed uses which are substantially similar to uses permitted herein, or proposed uses not otherwise permitted herein according to the procedures, standards and criteria stated in this Zoning Code.
      (4)   Review all proposed amendments to this Zoning Code and make recommendations to City Council as provided in this Zoning Code.
      (5)   Investigate and propose on its own initiative such amendments to the Zoning Code as it may deem consistent with the purposes of this Zoning Code and which further the public health, safety, and general welfare of the City of Montgomery.
      (6)   Review and act on plans and plats for the subdividing of land.
      (7)   Adopt rules and bylaws for the holding of regular and special meetings, for the transaction and disposition of its business and the exercise of its powers.
   (C)   Meetings. The Planning Commission shall schedule meetings twice per month. The Chairman may cancel a meeting if properly prepared application has not been received in a timely manner. At its first meeting each February, it shall select its Chairman and Vice-chairman. Meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public.
(Ord. 5-2005, passed 3-23-05)