(A)   With the adoption of this chapter, the Beautification and Tree Commission shall develop a Tree Manual for the city to include specifications and standards for the care, preservation, planting, spacing and removal of public trees. The specifications and standards may include, but may not be not limited to:
      (1)   Guidance on choosing trees, including recommended and undesirable species of trees for the public right-of-way, parks and/or other municipal properties. While adherence to the species guidelines is encouraged, no species will be specifically prohibited in the public right-of-way, except if its size is inappropriate for the location in question.
      (2)   A list of the sizes and classes of trees that can be accommodated in the right-of-way and under overhead utility lines.
      (3)   Specifications for size, spacing, distances and clearances of trees in the right-of-way.
      (4)   Pruning standards.
   (B)   Guidelines for tree species will be based on variables such as attractiveness, size, adaptability to local climate and soil type, tolerance of drought, pests or adverse urban conditions and/or other factors which affect suitability for the proposed location. The selection of trees for planting, pruning or removal in city parks will be at the recommendation of the City Arborist or person with said responsibility as designated by the Public Works Director.
   (C)   Once developed, the manual shall be filed with the City Administration. These recommendations shall from time to time be updated to reflect current best practices and as amended shall be filed with the City Administration. The City Tree Manual shall constitute the official comprehensive City Tree Plan for the city. Implementation of the City Tree Plan shall be the responsibility of the City Manager. Requests by any public agency, utility provider, developer or private property owner to vary from the City Tree Plan due to practical difficulty shall be presented to the City Manager for his review and final approval.
(Ord. 1-2002, passed 1-2-02)