(A)   Vacation. Each full-time municipal employee with one or more years of credited service with a state agency or political subdivision of the state shall be entitled to vacation with pay corresponding to the following schedule. Credited service shall only include full-time service with any state agency or political subdivision of the state. Full-time service with any such agency or subdivision shall be the same as defined in § 34.04(A).
Completed years of service
Hours to accrue per bi-weekly pay period
Completed years of service
Hours to accrue per bi-weekly pay period
Less than 6 years
15 or more
      (1)   Accumulation rights. Vacation time may be carried over and accumulated in subsequent calendar years in an amount not to exceed the amount of vacation earned in a two-year period.
   (B)   Sick leave.
      (1)   Effective January 1, 2002 each full-time employee of the municipality shall be entitled to receive sick leave with pay at the rate of 3.692 hours for each completed 80 hours of service. The policies and procedures for utilizing sick leave shall be established by the City Manager subject to any rights reserved within a negotiated collective bargaining agreement.
      (2)   Effective January 1, 2002 when an employee has accumulated 864 hours of unused sick leave the employee may, subject to regulations established by the City Manager, surrender or redeem sick leave days at the employee's then current rate of pay at the rate of one hour of such compensation for each one and one-half hours of sick leave surrendered. The City Manager shall establish rules governing the frequency of redemption, the maximum number of days which may be redeemed within a period, and such other incidents of redemption as may be necessary to protect the public interest and rights of employees. Sick leave cannot be accumulated in excess of 960 hours.
      (3)   An employee who retires from the city with 10 to 19 years of service with the City of Montgomery shall be paid for one-third the value of his or her accrued but unused sick leave up to a maximum accumulated sick leave of 960 hours which equates to a 320 hour pay-out.
      (4)   An employee who retires from the city with 20 or more years of service with the City of Montgomery shall be paid for one-half the value of his or her accrued, but unused sick leave up to a maximum accumulated sick leave of 960 hours which equates to a 480 hour pay-out.
   (C)   Jury duty. If a full-time employee is called for jury duty, the city will permit the employee to take the necessary time off and the city will pay the employee's regular pay, not to exceed eight hours per day, for work time lost while on jury duty. Fire Department employees may be paid up to 24 hours per day for work time lost as a result of jury duty. In order to receive jury duty pay, an employee must present a statement of jury service and an accounting of jury duty pay to his or her department head. The employee shall reimburse to the city all compensation paid to the employee by the court system for jury duty.
   (D)   Holidays. With the exception of employees whose terms of employment are governed by separate collective bargaining agreements, all full-time employees shall be paid for the holidays declared in this section and should not be required to work on such holidays unless in the opinion of the employee's supervisor, the failure to work on such holiday would impair the public service.
      (1)   The following are recognized holidays for employees other than those whose terms of employment are governed by separate collective bargaining agreements:
         (a)   New Years Day;
         (b)   Martin Luther King, Jr. Day;
         (c)   Memorial Day;
         (d)   Independence Day;
         (e)   Labor Day;
         (f)   Thanksgiving Day;
         (g)   The day following Thanksgiving Day;
         (h)   Christmas Eve; and
         (i)   Christmas Day.
      (2)   Holidays are scheduled on the day designated by common business practice.
      (3)   In the event any of the above listed holidays should fall on Sunday, the Monday immediately following such holiday shall be observed as the holiday. In the event any of the above holidays should fall on a Saturday, the Friday immediately preceding the observed date shall be the holiday. If a non-exempt employee is scheduled to work on any of the listed holidays, those employees shall be paid at one and one-half times the rate of pay for the hours worked on the holiday.
   (E)   Personal leave.
      (1)   Each full-time employee, other than those employees whose terms of employment are governed by a separate collective bargaining agreement, shall be provided with 32 hours annually for personal leave which must be used during the calendar year in which the leave is awarded. Such leave shall not be charged to the employee's vacation time.
      (2)   Personal leave may be used by the employee subject to the approval of the employee's supervisor and such regulations as the City Manager may promulgate. The regulations may vary among departments and offices.
      (3)   Personal leave shall be calculated annually and will be pro-rated for new employees. Personal leave not taken shall not carry forward beyond the calendar year. Personal leave not taken shall not be compensable in money unless the City Manager establishes regulations to the contrary.
   (F)   Prior service credit.
      (1)   Any employee who transfers from one political subdivision of the state to the city shall be credited with the unused balance of his accumulated sick leave up to a maximum of 960 hours upon presentation of appropriate documentation.
      (2)   Upon presentation of appropriate documentation, any employee previously employed by a political subdivision of the state is entitled to have his prior service with any of these employers counted as service with the city for the purpose of computing vacation credit. The anniversary date of his employment, for the purpose of computing the amount of vacation leave, is the anniversary date of such prior service.
(Ord. 19-1995, passed 6-7-95; Am. Ord. 9-1998, passed 7-1-98; Am. Ord. 11-1999, passed 7-7-99; Am. Ord. 12-1999, passed 7-21-99; Am. Ord. 9-2001, passed 8-1-01; Am. Ord. 2-2002, passed 1-2-02; Am. Ord. 9-2004, passed 6-2-04; Am. Ord. 11-2007, passed 8-1-07; Am. Ord. 9-2008, passed 5-7-08; Am. Ord. 4-2012, passed 3-7-12; Am. Ord. 3-2013, passed 2-16-13)