Section 6.02. Powers And Duties Of The City Manager.
Subject to the revisions of this charter and any regulations consistent therewith which may be adopted by the council, and subject to the provisions of any civil service plan in operation in the City of Montevideo at the time of the adoption of this charter, the city manager shall control and direct the administration of the city's affairs. His powers and duties as city manager shall be:
   a.   To see that this charter and the laws, ordinances, and resolutions of the city are enforced;
   b.   To appoint and, except as herein provided, remove the city clerk, all heads of departments, and all subordinate officers and employees in the departments, all appointments to be upon merit and fitness alone;
   c.   To exercise control over all departments and divisions of the city administration created by this charter or which may be hereafter created by the council;
   d.   To attend all meetings of the council, with the right to take part in the discussion but having no vote; but the council may at its discretion exclude him from meetings at which his removal is considered;
   e.   To recommend to the council for adoption such measures as he may deem necessary for the welfare of the people and the efficient administration of the city's affairs;
   f.   To keep the council fully advised as to the financial condition and needs of the city, and to prepare and to submit to the council the annual budget;
   g.   To prepare and to submit to the council for adoption an administrative code incorporating the details of administrative procedure, and from time to time to suggest amendments to the same;
   h.   To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this charter or required of him by ordinance or resolutions adopted by the council.