A.   Excavation Permit Fee: The city shall establish an excavation permit fee in an amount sufficient to recover the following costs:
      1.   The city management costs;
      2.   Degradation costs, if applicable.
   B.   Obstruction Permit Fee: The city shall establish the obstruction permit fee in an amount sufficient to recover the city management costs.
   C.   Payment Of Permit Fees: No excavation permit or obstruction permit shall be issued without payment of excavation or obstruction permit fees.
   D.   Nonrefundable: Permit fees that were paid for a permit that the city has revoked for a breach as stated in section 7-1A-22 of this chapter are not refundable.
   E.   Application To Franchise: Unless otherwise agreed to in a franchise, management costs may be charged separately from and in addition to the franchise fees imposed on a right-of-way user in the franchise. (Ord. 813, 4-2-2001)