A.   Parking Restricted; Avenues And First Street: From October 15 to April 15 of each year, no person shall park any motor vehicle, as such is defined in the traffic laws of the state, or permit any such motor vehicle to remain on any avenue or First Street when snow has accumulated and when, as determined by the city manager, or someone designated by the city manager, the plowing of snow is required until such avenue or First Street has been plowed to its full width. (Ord. 811, 3-5-2001)
   B.   Parking Restricted; Streets (Except First Street): In order to facilitate the removal of snow from the streets of the city, the city manager is hereby granted authority to declare a snow emergency when the removal of snow from the streets becomes advisable. During any such snow emergency declared by the city manager, or someone authorized by the city manager so to do, no person shall park any motor vehicle, as such is defined in the traffic laws of the state or permit any such motor vehicle to remain on any street (except First Street) between the hours of eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) P.M. of any day within any residential area within the city whether or not such area be zoned as residential; provided, however, that in any day during such snow emergency in the event streets have been plowed to their full width cars may be parked on such street during the balance of that day. In declaring any snow emergency, the city manager or the city manager's representative shall state the duration of the emergency, but if conditions warrant, the emergency may be extended by further declarations of snow emergencies. (Ord. 891, 10-5-2009)
   C.   Vehicle Impounded: Any motor vehicle parked or which is permitted to remain on any street or avenue in violation of this chapter may be immediately removed and impounded as provided in section 6-2-1 of this chapter. (Ord. 811, 3-5-2001)