Upon taking up and impounding any dog or cat, the poundmaster shall, within one day thereafter, post for three (3) days in two (2) or more conspicuous places in the city a notice of impounding and mail a copy of these to the owner if the name and address of the owner is known. Impoundment records shall be preserved for a minimum of six (6) months and shall show:
   A.   The description of the animal by species, sex, approximate age, and other distinguishing traits;
   B.   The location at which the animal was seized;
   C.   The date of seizure;
   D.   The name and address of the person from whom any animal three (3) months of age or over was received; and
   E.   The name and address of the person to whom any animal three (3) months of age or over was transferred. If unclaimed, such animal shall be humanely destroyed and the carcass disposed of, unless it is requested by a licensed educational or scientific institution under authority of Minnesota statutes section 35.71, or a suitable home is found for the dog or cat. (Ord. 897, 4-5-2010)