A. Illegal Animals Identified:
1. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep in the city in any area other than that which is zoned as AO agriculture-open space district, one or more farm animals. An exception shall be made to this subsection for those animals specifically trained for and actually providing assistance to the handicapped or disabled, and for those brought into the city as part of an operating zoo, veterinarian clinic, scientific research laboratory, or a licensed show or exhibition.
2. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep in the city in any area one or more nondomestic animal. An exception shall be made to this prohibition for animals specifically trained for and actually providing assistance to the handicapped or disabled, and for those animals brought into the city as part of an operating zoo, veterinarian clinic, scientific research laboratory, or a licensed show or exhibition.
B. Deemed Violation Of Code: If any farm animal remains in any area other than that which is zoned as AO agriculture-open space district, or any nondomestic animal remains in any area, for a period of more than twelve (12) hours, such shall be deemed to be kept in violation of this section. (Ord. 806, 1-8-2001)