The following types of burning shall be permitted:
   A.   A campfire set for cooking, warming, recreational or ceremonial purposes, which is not more than three feet (3') in diameter by three feet (3') high and no closer than fifty feet (50') from a building, provided the grounds surrounding the fire have been cleared of all combustible material for a distance of five feet (5') from the base of the fire.
   B.   A fire contained in a charcoal grill, camp stove, or other devices designed for purposes of cooking, heating or recreation.
   C.   Fires purposely set for the instruction and training of fire personnel, provided the appropriate permits are obtained.
   D.   Fires pursuant to permits issued by the state fire marshal and/or the department of natural resources for burning off of vegetation in rural/agricultural areas, rural road ditches or conservation areas. (Ord. 851, 2-22-2005)