§ 150.01 CREATION.
   There is hereby created a Plan Commission and a Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) for the Town of Monrovia. The Plan Commission shall consist of 7 members, 3 of whom shall be appointed, elected officials in the town government or employees of the town, and 4 of whom shall be citizen members, no 2 of which may be of the same political party. The BZA shall consist of 5 members, of which 3 citizen members shall be appointed by the President of the Town Council, 1 of whom shall be a member of the Plan Commission; 1 citizen member shall be appointed by the Town Council and must not be a member of the Plan Commission; 1 citizen member appointed by the Plan Commission who must be a member of the Plan Commission other than the appointee already appointed by the President. All members must be residents of the Town of Monrovia.
(Am. Ord. passed 11-25-1996)