(a) An owner may contest the ERU multiple assigned to the property by filing an appeal with the Storm Water Director. The appeal shall be on the prescribed application form accompanied with a storm water study report prepared by a licensed engineer in the State of Ohio, and the applicable fees and deposit pursuant to the Storm Water Utility rate ordinance.
(b) The Director shall have thirty (30) days to investigate the situation and make a determination.
(c) If the applicant disagrees with the findings of the Director, he/she may file an appeal with the Village's Service/ Utilities Committee for further consideration.
(d) If it is found that the Village is in error in its ERU calculations by less than twenty-five percent (25%) the amount billed will be corrected in the utility billing system, and will be billed correctly on all subsequent invoices. If the Village's ERU calculations are in error by more than twenty-five percent (25%) the appeal application fee will be refunded and a reimbursement will be provided for the billing difference for the previous six (6) month period.
(Ord. 2008-37. Passed 1-13-09.)