(a) Verification: Purchase Order and Certification. The Clerk-Treasurer or Fiscal Officer shall issue a purchase order for any purchase under two thousand five hundred dollars ($2500) upon the receipt of a proper requisition and certification of availability of funds. For a purchase of over two thousand five hundred dollars ($2500), if Council approves the requisition, it shall be presented to the Clerk-Treasurer or Fiscal Officer for certification.The Clerk-Treasurer or Fiscal Officer shall issue within three (3) days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) a purchase order bearing the purchase order number, in a sequence of his or her choosing, including certification. Such certification shall certify that the amount required for the purchase has been appropriated and is in the treasury or in the process of collection to the credit of the appropriate fund free from any previous encumbrances.
(b) Inability to Certify. If the Clerk-Treasurer or Fiscal Officer cannot so certify, (s)he shall attach a statement to the requisition and shall present a copy of that statement, other than the original to the appropriate department director and the department supervisor.
(c) Record of Purchase Order. The original copy of the purchase order, with certification, shall be retained by the Clerk-Treasurer or Fiscal Officer.
(Ord.2014-12. Passed 10-14-14.)