(A)   An agenda for each meeting will be developed by the presiding officer and city staff. The Mayor and Council committees may direct specific items to be placed on the agenda. The public may request items be placed on the agenda. Preference will be given to public agenda requests received in writing prior to the meeting. Verbal requests received at a meeting may be set to the next meeting’s agenda at the Council’s discretion.
   (B)   The agenda, financial and supplemental information should be delivered to the individual Council members at least four days before the regular meeting.
   (C)   The normal order of business for a regular Council meeting shall be as follows:
      (1)   Call to order;
      (2)   Determine quorum;
      (3)   Flag salute;
      (4)   Public input for items not on the agenda;
      (5)   Staff reports;
      (6)   Consent agenda: minutes of prior session, financial report and state of the budget, bills;
      (7)   Prearranged presentations;
      (8)   Old business;
      (9)   New business;
      (10)   Council member and Council committee reports;
      (11)   Mayor’s report;
      (12)   Executive session (if needed); and
      (13)   Action as result of executive session (if required).
   (D)   The Mayor may move agenda items out of order for the efficient management of the meeting.
(Ord. 10-261, passed 2-22-2010)