General Provisions
31.01 Initiation of proceedings and report from City Engineer
31.02 Council’s action on City Engineer’s report
31.03 Resolution and notice of hearing
31.04 Hearing
31.05 Call for bids
31.06 Assessment ordinance
31.07 Method of assessment and alternative methods of financing
31.08 Remedies
31.09 Notice of assessment
31.10 Lien records and foreclosure proceedings
31.11 Errors in assessment calculations
31.12 Deficit assessment
31.13 Rebates
31.14 Abandonment of proceedings
31.15 Curative provisions
31.16 Reassessment
System Development Charges
31.30 Purpose and classification; emergency clause
31.31 Definitions
31.32 Establishment of program
31.33 Methodology to establish or modify a reimbursement fee
31.34 Authorized expenditures
31.35 Expenditure restrictions
31.36 Improvement plans
31.37 Collection of charge
31.38 Delinquent charges; hearing
31.39 Installment payments
31.40 Exemptions
31.41 Credits
31.42 Notice
31.43 Use of revenue
31.44 Refunds
31.45 Implementing regulations; amendments
31.46 Appeals; procedure
31.47 Prohibited connection
31.99 Penalty
(A) Whenever the Council shall deem it necessary, upon its own motion or upon the written petition of the owners of property upon which more than 33% of the total amount of the assessment is levied, to make any street, sewer, sidewalk, drain, or other public improvement to be paid for in whole or in part by special assessment according to benefits, then the Council shall, by motion, direct the City Engineer to make a survey and written report for such project and file the same with the City Recorder.
(B) Unless the Council shall direct otherwise, such report shall contain the following matters:
(1) A map or plat showing the general nature, location, and extent of the proposed improvement and the land to be assessed for the payment of any part of the cost thereof;
(2) Plans, specifications, and estimates of the work to be done; provided, however, that where the proposed project is to be carried out in cooperation with any other governmental agency, the Engineer may adopt the plans, specifications, and estimates of such agency;
(3) An estimate of the probable cost of the improvement, including any legal, administrative, and engineering costs attributable thereto;
(4) An estimate of the unit cost of the improvement to the specially benefitted properties;
(5) A recommendation as to the method of assessment to be used to arrive at a fair apportionment of the whole or any portion of the cost of the improvement to the properties specially benefitted;
(6) The description and assessed value of each lot, parcel of land, or portion thereof, to be specially benefitted by the improvement, with the names of the record owners thereof and, when readily available, the names of the contract purchasers thereof; and
(7) A statement of outstanding assessments against property to be assessed.
(Prior Code, § 31.01) (Ord. 120, passed 2-1-1971)
After the City Engineer’s report shall have been filed with the City Recorder, the Council may thereafter by motion approve the report, modify the report, and approve it as modified, require the Engineer to supply additional or different information for such improvement, or it may abandon the improvement.
(Prior Code, § 31.02) (Ord. 120, passed 2-1-1971)