(A)   Subject to state laws, the City Council as the governing body shall exercise all local traffic authority for the city except those powers expressly delegated by this chapter or another ordinance.
   (B)   The powers of the governing body include, but are not limited to:
      (1)   Designation of through streets;
      (2)   Designation of one-way streets;
      (3)   Designation of truck routes;
      (4)   Restriction of the use of certain streets by any class or kind of vehicle to protect the streets from damage or excess traffic;
      (5)   Authorization, by resolution, of greater maximum weights or lengths than specified by state law for vehicles using city streets or county roads;
      (6)   Initiation of proceedings to change speed zones;
      (7)   Revision of speed limits in parks; and
      (8)   Temporary closure or blocking of streets.
(Prior Code, § 70.15)  (Ord. 206, passed 3-19-1990)