(A)   Whenever a particular parcel or parcels is proposed for sale by the city or a purchase inquiry is made and the property is classified as standard undeveloped property or developed property, the matter shall be set for a hearing before the Council.
   (B)   Notice of said hearing shall be published not less than once in a newspaper of general circulation in the city seven days prior to the hearing, and shall describe the property proposed for sale.
   (C)   Prior to the sale of a parcel under this section, evidence of market value of the property, or an appraisal if required by the Council, shall be conducted. At the discretion of the Council, such an appraisal may be ordered prior to or after the hearing. The appraisal may be made available to the public at the hearing at the discretion of the Council.
   (D)   Public testimony shall be solicited at the hearing to determine if a sale of any parcel is in the public interest, and the property is not needed for public use.
   (E)   After the hearing, the Council shall determine whether it will offer the property for sale and what the minimum acceptable terms shall be.
   (F)   If an offer to sell is authorized by the Council, the Council shall decide whether to sell the property to the highest bidder at a public sale, by sealed bid, or directly to the purchase inquirer on terms established by the Council. A notice advertising the public sale or soliciting sealed bids shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the city be made a least two weeks prior to the sale or bid deadline date. The notice shall describe the property to be sold, the minimum acceptable terms of sale, and if applicable, the person designated to receive bids, the last date bids will be received, and the date, time, and place that bids will be opened.
   (G)   If one or more bids are received at or above the minimum acceptable terms, the highest bid shall be accepted and the city shall complete the sale.
   (H)   If no acceptable bids are received on a particular parcel, the Council may alter or keep the same minimum terms established under division (E) above and direct staff to hold another sale, or the Council may alter or keep the same minimum terms established under division (E) above and list the property for six months with a local real estate broker on a multiple listing basis. A listing may be renewed for an additional one six-month period.
   (I)   After expiration of the period set out in division (H) above, the property shall be removed from the market. Any decision to sell a piece of property once it has been removed from the market shall require that the entire procedure set forth in this chapter be repeated. The Council may, however, decide whether or not an additional appraisal is necessary.
(Ord. 13-273, passed 2-25-2013)