A.   Residential Density. The City has defined ten (10) character areas in the adopted land Use Plan, Forward Monroe, which are defined by a variety of residential densities density) and intensities.
   B.   Calculation of Density. Residential density shall be measured by dwelling units per net acre (du/ac).
      1.   All residential densities denoted in the adopted Forward Monroe plan are not guaranteed by right. The appropriate allocation of density shall encourage sustainable development.
      2.   Subdivision, zoning, and site plan review criteria and procedures shall assure that density is consistent with established residential development patterns and provides equitable use of the land.
      Residential Density is calculated as net density. Density is not transferable across state roads. Existing and proposed street rights-of-way, stream buffers, and utility easements shall not be used to calculate maximum site density.
   C.   Non-Residential Intensity Defined. Floor Area Ratio (FAR). Non-Residential Development (“Intensity”) is measured in Floor Area Ratio (FAR). FAR is calculated by dividing the total size of the building/structure (in square feet) by the total size (in square feet) of the lot on which the building is located. For example, a 5,000-square foot building on a 10,000 square foot lot equals an FAR of 0.5.
Figure 8.10.2. Floor Area Ratio Graphic
(Am. Ord. O-2023-15, passed 5-9-23)