A. Existing Structures. Buffers and screening shall be provided as required in this Section. Structures lawfully existing before the passage of this UDO may be repaired or modified without providing landscaping buffers required by this Section, provided there is no increase in floor area or impervious area on the site greater than twenty percent (20%).
B. New Structures. Prior to obtaining a zoning or building permit for a new principal structure or development, an applicant must submit and receive approval of a sealed landscape plan from the Department of Planning and Development. Detail shall be provided on the plan showing the required landscaping within a one hundred (100) linear foot section of any buffer. Species of trees and shrubs shall be chosen from the approved plant list, as provided in Section 8.3.11: Approved Plant List. Preservation of existing vegetation is encouraged and may be used to meet requirements of this Section.
C. Improvements, Expansions and Additions. Any improvements, expansions and additions of an existing structure, outdoor use area, or off-street parking area shall comply with the following standards:
1. For improvements, expansions and additions of fifty percent (50%) or less, the standards of this Section shall only apply to the improved/expanded areas.
2. For improvements, expansions and additions of greater than fifty percent (50%), the standards of this Section shall apply to the entire lot.
D. Landscape Plan. All developments subject to this Section must submit a landscape plan. A registered landscape architect is required to submit a landscape plan. A landscape plan shall include the following:
1. Title of project;
2. Dimensions, scale and north arrow;
3. All required open space shown on the plan;
4. Indigenous or native vegetation;
5. All landscaped areas;
6. Identify all UDO required landscaping;
7. Vehicle use areas including parking, aisles and driveways;
8. Roadways and access points;
9. Plant spacing and native status;
10. Preservation plan (Section 8.3.8.C);
11. Overhead and underground utilities; and
12. A tree/vegetative survey.
E. Exemptions. The landscaping and buffering requirements set forth in this Section shall not apply in the following instances:
1. Change in Use. A change in use does not trigger application of this Section unless there is a specific use standard required for landscaping for the new use, per Section 7.2: Permissible Use Definitions and Standards.
2. Single-Family Detached Dwellings. These regulations do not apply to new single-family detached dwellings constructed on a single lot or parcel not part of a new subdivision or planned development. New subdivisions or planned developments shall adhere to these provisions and shall require perimeter buffers.
3. Railroads and Utility Easements. Property lines abutting railroad rights-of-way and utility easements in excess of sixty (60) feet in width shall not require landscaping or buffering.