A.   Purpose. To review and decide on major subdivision preliminary plats, in accordance with G.S.160D, Article 8, Subdivision Regulation and Section 8.1: Subdivision Regulations of this UDO. Subdivision plats shall be reviewed for compliance with the standards of this UDO and the Standard Specifications and Detail Manual.
   B.   Application and Approval Process.
      1.   Pre-Application Meeting. Any subdivider of land shall attend a pre-application meeting with the Director before preparing a preliminary plat. In this meeting, the Director shall relay the requirements of platting a subdivision in the UDO.
      2.   Sketch Plan.
         a.   Sketch plans shall be required for any major subdivision as defined in this UDO.
         b.   Sketch plans are not required for minor subdivisions.
         c.   Sketch plans may be submitted at any time. The applicant shall submit a sketch plan to the Director for a determination of whether the approval process authorized by this Section can be and should be utilized.
         d.   The Director may require the applicant to submit whatever information is necessary to make this determination, including, but not limited to, a copy of the tax map showing the land being subdivided and all lots previously subdivided from the tract of land within the previous five years, boundary of the subject property, generalized location of water bodies, existing and proposed rights-of-way adjacent to the property, and other information deemed appropriate by the Director.
         e.   The Director shall approve, approve conditionally or deny the sketch plan within thirty (30) days of receipt.
         f.   Approval, conditional approval or denial shall be in written form and dated.
         g.   Upon approval of the sketch plan, the applicant may prepare a preliminary plat for review.
      3.   Preliminary Plat.
         a.   Preliminary plats may be prepared and submitted to the Director for review of compliance with the regulations of the UDO. The TRC shall review preliminary plats as required.
         b.   Preliminary plats shall be prepared at a standard scale of one (1) inch equals a distance of one hundred (100) feet or less. Preliminary plats shall be prepared in accordance with the Standard Specification and Detail Manual requirements, Section 07.03 Subdivision Plat Checklist.
         c.   If the application submitted does not conform to all applicable regulations, the applicant shall resubmit the plans to the TRC for redistribution and review.
         d.   The Director shall either approve, approve conditionally or deny the approval of the preliminary plat within 30 days of receipt. Approval, conditional approval or denial shall be in written and/or drawn form and dated.
   C.   Administrative Changes to Preliminary Plats. If the preliminary plat is changed after approval by the Director, certain changes to the preliminary plat may be made subject to review from all applicable City Departments.
   D.   Decision Authority. The Director shall approve or deny major subdivision preliminary Plats.