A.   Purpose. The purpose of a land use plan amendment is to allow for modification of the land use character area (future land use) map within Forward Monroe, modifying the future land use of a subject property. This provides a uniform means to modify the Forward Monroe plan whenever a public necessity, changed conditions, or general welfare of the City require to do so.
   B.   Application. A land use plan amendment shall be reviewed by the Director, PB, and approved in a public hearing by the CC. All applicable common application procedures defined in 3.4.1: Development Review Procedures must be met.
   C.   Review Process. Changes to the future land use of a property shall occur through a public hearing process and shall be reviewed by the Planning and Development Department for consistency with the regulations of this UDO, Forward Monroe, and any other relevant City ordinances and adopted plans as defined in Section 3.4.1: Development Review Procedures. A staff report by the Planning and Development Department shall be provided to the PB and CC in their public hearings.
   D.   Planning Board Public Meeting.
      1.   Criteria. The PB will review the proposed request in a public meeting.
      2.   Decision. The PB shall vote to recommend approval of the request to CC or vote to recommend denial of the request to CC.
   E.   City Council Public Hearing.
      1.   Criteria. The CC will review the proposed request under legislative discretion, taking into consideration all relevant comments from City staff, TRC, and the PB.
   F.   Decision. The CC shall adopt the amendment as proposed, adopt a revised amendment, deny the amendment or refer the amendment request back to the PB for further consideration.
   G.   Effect. Any changes to the future land use map shall be made as soon as possible after the approval by CC.