A. Designation and Responsibility.
1. The Technical Review Committee, referred to in this UDO as the “TRC” is an administrative body consisting of the various staff departments related to development at the City. The TRC shall be determined by the Director and may revised from time to time. Members of the TRC include Planning, Engineering, Building Standards, Fire, Energy Services, and Water Resources departments. Other City departments or outside agencies with specific expertise may be called upon to provide review and recommendation determined by the Director, depending on the nature and complexity of the development project to review.
B. Powers and Duties. The TRC has the following powers and duties:
1. Zoning Map Amendment. The TRC will review general and conditional district rezoning requests.
2. Land Use Plan Amendment. The TRC will review amendments to the future land use map within Forward Monroe.
3. Special Use Permit. The TRC will review special use permits.
4. Planned Development. The TRC will review planned development applications.
5. Minor Subdivision Final Plat. The TRC will review minor subdivision plats.
6. Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat. The TRC will review preliminary plats for major subdivisions.
7. Major Subdivision Final Plat. The TRC will review final plats for major subdivisions.
8. Site Plan. The TRC will review and approve and or deny site plans.