A.   This UDO is consolidates the City’s zoning, subdivision, and flood damage prevention regulations, as authorized by the North Carolina General Statutes.
   B.   This UDO is adopted in accordance with:
      1.   The Monroe City Charter;
      2.   G.S. Chapter 160A, Article 8 (Police Powers);
      3.   North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) § 160D-103 (Unified development ordinance);
      4.   G.S. § 160D-201(Planning and development jurisdiction);
      5.   G.S. § 160D-202 (Municipal extraterritorial jurisdiction);
      6.   G.S. § 160D-702 (Grant of power);
      7.   G.S. § 160D-801 (Subdivision Regulation — Authority).
      8.   Chapter 143, Article 21 (Water and Air Resources);
      9.   Chapter 113A, Article 4 (Sedimentation and Pollution Control);
      10.   All other relevant laws of the state of North Carolina; and
      11.   Any special legislation enacted by the North Carolina General Assembly.
   C.   Whenever any portion, Section, or provision of this UDO refers to or cites a section of the North Carolina General Statutes, the North Carolina Administrative Code, or any other adopted state law or regulation, and that section is later amended or superseded, this UDO shall be deemed amended to refer to the amended section.