This UDO is adopted to protect and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of residents and businesses in the City of Monroe. Forward Monroe is recognized as the City’s blueprint for development and the foundation upon which land use decisions are based. While Forward Monroe serves as a guide for land use and future development, the UDO shall act as an implementation and regulatory document for all policies and goals contained within the Forward Monroe and other officially adopted plans. Specifically, this UDO intends to accomplish the following objectives:
A. Provide regulations to support compatible, orderly growth and development within the City;
B. Support and encourage economic development;
C. Preserve and enhance the visual attractiveness and vitality of Monroe;
D. Promote the safety and well-being of the citizens of Monroe;
E. Secure the safety of landowners and residents from flooding, fire, seismic activity, and dangers presented from extreme weather events, to the extent possible;
F. Protect and revitalize Monroe’s neighborhoods and gateways;
G. Ensure the provision of adequate open space;
H. Facilitate the adequate and economical provision of transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, and other public services;
I. Improve the built environment and provide a comfortable environment for pedestrians;
J. Encourage development patterns that support a variety of housing stock and community forms;
K. Maintain the character of areas within the City, including commercial corridors, downtown, and suburban and traditional neighborhoods;
L. Allow for a mixture of uses in certain areas of the City and promote compact urban form and walkability;
M. Ensure sufficient land availability for public rights-of-way and utilities;
N. Better manage and lessen congestion in the streets;
O. Encourage increased densities in areas which can support an increase in dwelling units; and
P. Require safe, compatible development through the use of development regulations.