(A)   Commercial Operations:
      (1)   No aircraft, aviation organization, or person shall engage in any commercial operation of any type at the Airport unless prior permission is obtained from, and assessed fees paid to the City. Such permission and fees shall be based on the approved City Fee Schedule and as determined by the City.
      (2)   Payment for use of Airport facilities, storage, repairs, supplies, or other services rendered at the Airport shall be made before flight unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made with the Airport Manager or designated representative or the lessee directly responsible for furnishing the commodity or services rendered. The Airport Manager shall have the authority to detain any aircraft for nonpayment of any charges due.
      (3)   The City, at its discretion, may enter into separate contract with any commercial operator.
      (4)   By resolution, the City may adopt a fee schedule to be applied for any commercial operator not having a contract with the City as provided above.
      (5)   A user fee for private or business (non-commercial) users will be established by the Airport on a case-by-case basis.
      (6)   The City may detain any aircraft for nonpayment of any charges due.
      (7)   The following types of aircraft are not affected by these charges: Aircraft owned by Federal, State, or Municipal Governments are exempt from both landing and parking fees. This shall not, however, obviate the payment of field use charges by the military, if in effect.
   (B)   Special Services:
      (1)   The City may grant written permission for a specific commercial operator, such as a specialized mechanic, to enter the airport for the purpose of repairing or maintaining an aircraft or equipment that is beyond the capability of any Specialized Aviation Services Operation (SASO) located at the Airport. This privilege will be on a case-by-case basis and will require a separate agreement for each activity.
      (2)   Any permission granted by the City under this clause will not be construed as allowing reoccurring entry to the premises for the purpose of providing services. The permission granted will be only for specific purpose and specific period.
      (3)   Any activity receiving permission under this clause will comply with City ordinances.
(Ord. O-2019-09, passed 3-5-19)