(A)   The provisions of this chapter do not apply to:
      1.   Alcohol used in the manufacture of denatured alcohol produced in accordance with act of congress and regulations promulgated hereunder;
      2.   Flavoring extracts and syrups and food products;
      3.   Patent and proprietary medicines or medicinal, antiseptic, culinary and toilet preparations;
      4.   Scientific, industrial and chemical products not made for human consumption;
      5.   Any liquid or solid containing one-half of one percent (.5%) or less of alcohol by volume.
   (B)   Nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit any of the following from using or possessing alcoholic liquor in strict professional practice:
      1.   A duly licensed practicing physician or dentist.
      2.   Hospitals or like institutions in the treatment of bona fide patients of that hospital or like institutions.
      3.   Drugstores employing a licensed pharmacist in the concoction of prescriptions of duly licensed physicians.
      4.   The authorized representative of any house of worship dispensing wine for the purpose of conducting any bona fide rite or religious ceremony typically conducted by that house of worship. (Ord. 800, 10-5-2015)