The Building and Zoning Administrator shall be responsible for fulfilling all the duties listed in this section and the general administration and enforcement of this chapter, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
A. Determining The Floodplain Designation: Check all new development sites to determine whether they are in a special flood hazard area (SFHA). If they are in an SFHA, determine whether they are in a floodway, flood fringe or in a floodplain on which a detailed study has not been conducted which drains more than one square mile. Check whether the development is potentially within an extended SFHA (with a drainage area less than 1 square mile), indicating that the development would have adverse impacts regarding storage, conveyance, or inundation which would be the basis for the applicant being required to delineate the floodplain and floodway and be subject to the remaining sections of this chapter.
B. Professional Engineer Review: If the development site is within a floodway or in a floodplain on which a detailed study has not been conducted which drains more than one square mile then the permit shall be referred to a registered professional engineer (PE) under the employ or contract of the Village for review to ensure that the development meets the requirements of section 11-1-6 of this chapter.
In the case of an appropriate use, the professional engineer shall state in writing that the development meets the requirements of section 11-1-6 of this chapter.
C. Dam Safety Requirements: Ensure that an IDNR/OWR dam safety permit has been issued or a letter indicating no dam safety permit is required, if the proposed development activity includes construction of a "dam" as defined in section 11-1-2 of this chapter. Regulated dams may include weirs, restrictive culverts or impoundment structures.
D. Other Permit Requirements: Ensure that any and all required Federal, State and local permits are received prior to the issuance of a floodplain development permit.
E. Plan Review And Permit Issuance: Ensure that all development activities within the SFHAs of the jurisdiction of the Village meet the requirements of this chapter and issue a floodplain development permit in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and other regulations of this community when the development meets the conditions of this chapter.
F. Inspection Review: Inspect all development projects before, during and after construction to assure proper elevation of the structure and to ensure they comply with the provisions of this chapter.
G. Elevation And Floodproofing Certificates: Maintain in the permit files an elevation certificate certifying the elevation of the lowest floor (including basement) of a residential or nonresidential building or the elevation to which a nonresidential building has been floodproofed, using a floodproofing certificate, for all buildings subject to section 11-1-8 of this chapter for public inspection and provide copies of same.
H. Records For Public Inspection: Maintain for public inspection and furnish upon request base flood data, SFHA and regulatory floodway maps, copies of Federal or State permit documents, variance documentation, conditional letter of map revision, letter of map revision, letter of map amendment and "as built" elevation and floodproofing or elevation and floodproofing certificates for all buildings constructed subject to this chapter.
I. State Permits: Ensure that construction authorization has been granted by the IDNR/OWR for all development projects subject to sections 11-1-6 and 11-1-7 of this chapter, unless enforcement responsibility has been delegated to the Village. However, the following review approvals are not delegated to the Village and shall require review or permits from IDNR/OWR:
1. Organizations which are exempt from this chapter, as per Illinois Compiled Statutes;
2. Department of Transportation projects, dams or impoundment structures and all other State, Federal or local unit of government projects, including projects of the Village and County, except for those projects meeting the requirements of subsection 11-1-6I of this chapter;
3. An engineer's determination that an existing bridge or culvert crossing is not a source of flood damage and the analysis indicating the proposed flood profile, per subsection 11-1-6E5 of this chapter;
4. An engineer's analysis of the flood profile due to subsection 11-1-6E4 of this chapter;
5. Alternative transition sections and hydraulically equivalent compensatory storage as indicated in subsections 11-1-6E1, E2 and E8 of this chapter;
6. Permit issuance of structures within or over publicly navigable rivers, lakes and streams;
7. Any changes in the base flood elevation or floodway locations;
8. Base flood elevation determinations where none now exist; and
9. The determination that a project is a public flood control project.
J. Cooperation With Other Agencies: Cooperate with State and Federal floodplain management agencies to improve base flood or 100-year frequency flood and floodway data and to improve the administration of this chapter. Submit data to IDNR/OWR and the Federal Emergency Management Agency for proposed revisions of a regulatory map. Submit reports as required for the national flood insurance program. Notify the Federal Emergency Management Agency of any proposed amendments to this chapter.
K. Promulgate Regulations: Promulgate rules and regulations as necessary to administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter, subject however to the review and approval of IDNR/OWR and FEMA for any chapter changes. (Ord. 1630, 4-12-1999)