It is hereby declared that the provisions of this title shall apply to all properties as hereinafter specifically provided.
   A. New Uses: No building or structure or part thereof shall hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, moved or structurally altered, and no building, structure or land shall hereafter be used, occupied or arranged or designed for use or occupancy, nor shall any excavating or grading be commenced in connection with any of the above matters, except as permitted by the regulations herein which are applicable to the zoning district in which such building, structure or land is located.
   B. Existing Uses: Except as may otherwise be provided, all structural alterations or relocations of existing buildings occurring hereafter, and all enlargements of or additions to existing uses occurring hereafter, shall be subject to all regulations herein that are applicable to the zoning district in which such buildings, uses or land shall be located.
   C. Existing Special Uses: Where a structure and use thereof of land lawfully exists on the effective date of this title, and is classified by this title as a special use in the district where it is located, such use shall be considered a lawful special use. A special use permit issued in accordance with procedures herein set forth shall be required only for any expansion or major alteration of such existing legal special use. If the special use ceases for a period of more than six (6) months, the special use permit shall be void and the special use cannot again be started.
   D. Nonconforming Uses: Subject to the provisions of chapter 5 of this title, any lawful building, structure or use existing at the time of enactment of these zoning provisions may be continued, even though such building, structure or use does not conform to the provisions herein for the district in which it is located, and whenever a district shall be changed hereafter, then the existing lawful use may be continued.
   E. Contiguous Parcels: Except as provided in chapter 5 of this title, when two (2) or more parcels of land, each of which lacks adequate area and dimension to qualify for a permitted use under the requirements of the use of district in which they are located, are contiguous and are held in one ownership, at the time or subsequent to the adoption of this title or amendment, they shall be used as one zoning lot for such use, unless said parcels meet at least eighty percent (80%) of the required lot width and lot area as described in this title, in which case, the parcels may be developed pursuant to the requirements of section 9-5-8 of this title.
   F. Building Permits: Where a building permit for a building or structure has been issued in accordance with the law prior to the effective date of this title, and provided that construction is begun within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days of such date and diligently pursued to completion, within two (2) years, said building or structure may be completed in accordance with the approved plans on the basis of which the building permit was issued, and further may upon completion be occupied under a certificate of occupancy by the use for which originally designed, subject thereafter to the provisions of this section, sections 9-1-5 and 9-1-6 of this chapter and chapters 6 and 14 of this title.
   G. Permit Limitations: Where the zoning official has issued a special use permit, a temporary use permit, or a permit for a variation pursuant to the provisions of this title, such permit shall become void unless work thereon is substantially under way within six (6) months of the date of the issuance of such permit by the zoning official.
   H. Street, Public Or Private: No land shall be used for public motor vehicle access to any other lot or land unless that portion of the land has been officially approved as a street, public or private, by the proper authorities.
   I. Special Prohibition; Multiple Uses On Same Zoning Lot: Except where authorized by this title, no zoning lot zoned in any residential district in the village shall be used for more than one principal use or one principal structure. (Ord. 2000-O-005, 2-14-2000)