In order to ensure that the above purposes are realized, the village has, pursuant to the state of Illinois Compiled Statutes, the power to:
   A. Regulate and restrict the location and use of buildings, structures and land;
   B. Regulate and restrict the intensity of use;
   C. Establish building or setback lines on or along any street, traffic way, drive, parkway or storm or flood water runoff channel or basin;
   D. Divide the entire village into districts of such numbers, shapes, areas and such different classes, according to the use of land and building, the intensity of use (including the height of buildings and structures and surrounding open space) and other classification as may be deemed best suited to carry out the purpose;
   E. Prohibit uses, buildings or structures incompatible with the character of such districts; and
   F. Prevent additions to and alterations or remodeling of existing buildings or structures that would result in avoiding the restrictions and limitations lawfully imposed. (Ord. 2000-O-005, 2-14-2000)