A. Preliminary Plat Of Survey: Two (2) copies of a preliminary plat of survey, dated not more than six (6) months from the date of submission, shall be submitted with the application for principal structure permit, containing the following information:
1. Legal description and common address of the property.
2. Lot number, lot size and building setback line.
3. Location of existing utility, drainage or other easements.
4. North arrow and scale.
5. Bench mark, plainly labeled and within three hundred feet (300') of the proposed developed lot.
6. Location and size of the proposed building on the lot, with dimensions to the front, rear and side property lines indicated.
7. Elevations for top of foundation.
8. Elevations at all four (4) property corners and any additional spot elevations required to indicate overland drainage patterns.
9. Elevations for the top of existing foundations in the adjacent properties.
10. Proposed driveway and sidewalk placement, sanitary sewer and water main locations, and soil erosion plan.
11. Stamp and signature of a registered land surveyor or a registered professional engineer.
B. Top Of Foundation Survey: One copy of a spotted plat of survey shall be submitted to the building official after the foundation walls have been completed and before further construction is undertaken, containing:
1. Exact location of the structure in relation to the lot lines.
2. Elevation for top of foundation.
3. Stamp and signature of a registered land surveyor or a registered professional engineer, including the following statement: "The top of foundation survey fully complies with the approved engineering plans for the lot". In the event that the final grading of the lot differs from the approved plans, a statement must be made as to the nature of the change. The village engineer may approve minor changes discovered during this top of foundation survey preparation, providing that the changes do not adversely affect the drainage on the land in question or other lands.
C. First Lot Grading Survey; Before Landscaping: Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any building and after installation of topsoil and prior to installation of landscaping, the builder shall be required to submit two (2) blueprint copies of the plat for the existing lot to the community development department indicating the following:
1. Legal description.
2. Builder's name, unit number, and street address.
3. Existing top of foundation grade.
4. Existing garage floor elevation at front of home.
5. Existing driveway slope measured along the centerline of the driveway in percentage to house side edge of sidewalk, or to curb flow line if there is no sidewalk.
6. Existing lot corner elevations, and drainage arrows.
7. Existing finished grade elevation at the four (4) corners of the home.
8. Existing elevation of all drainage breakpoints within the lot.
9. Existing location and elevation of utility structures on the lot.
10. Location and setback measurements from property lines for the water b-box.
11. Location of measurements of any additional accessory or detached building.
12. All concrete, masonry or brick flatwork.
13. Stamp and signature of a registered land surveyor or a registered professional engineer, including the following statement: "The final grading of the lot has been completed and fully complies with the approved engineering plans for the lot". In the event that the final grading of the lot differs from the approved plans, a statement must be made as to the nature of the change. The village engineer may approve minor changes discovered during this final blueprint preparation, providing that the changes do not adversely affect the drainage on the land in question or other lands.
D. Second Lot Grading Survey; After Landscaping: Prior to release of the landscape guarantee deposit for any residential building, the homeowner shall be required to submit two (2) blueprint copies of the plat for the existing lot to the community development department, indicating the following:
1. Legal description.
2. Owner's name, unit number, lot number and street address.
3. Existing top of foundation grade.
4. Existing garage floor elevation at front of home.
5. Existing driveway slope measured along the centerline of the driveway in percentage to house side edge of sidewalk, or to curb flow line if there is no sidewalk.
6. Existing lot corner elevations, and drainage arrows.
7. Existing finished grade elevation at the four (4) corners of the home.
8. Existing elevation of all drainage breakpoints within the lot.
9. Existing location and elevation of utility structures on the lot.
10. Location and setback measurements from property lines for the water b-box.
11. Location and measurements of any additional accessory or detached building.
12. All concrete, masonry or brick flatwork.
13. Stamp and signature of a registered land surveyor or a registered professional engineer, including the following statement: "The final grading of the lot has been completed and fully complies with the approved engineering plans for the lot". In the event that the final grading of the lot differs from the approved plans, a statement must be made as to the nature of the change. The village engineer may approve minor changes discovered during this final blueprint preparation, provided that the changes do not adversely affect the drainage on the land in question or other lands.
E. Exceptions: No survey will be required for ordinary repairs or maintenance work incidental to the proper upkeep of a building or structure, interior remodeling, sheds, fences, pools, detached garages, and other accessory features permitted by ordinance.
F. Penalty Provision: Any person failing to comply with the provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalty provisions of title 1, chapter 4 of this code. In addition, such person shall forfeit any landscape deposit if the provisions of this section are not complied with within the time limits as set forth above. (Ord. 2008-O-005, 1-14-2008)