Commencing in January of 2006 and every four (4) years thereafter an eight (8) member panel shall be appointed to review this Charter, to be known as the Mogadore Charter Review Commission. One member of the panel shall be an alternate without voting rights, except in the event the alternate member is selected to fill a vacancy on the Commission. The panel will be selected in the following manner:
   (1)   Four (4) members to be selected by the Mayor no later than February 28 of the year in which the Commission is to meet; and
   (2)   Four members to be selected by a majority vote of Council no later than February 28 of the year in which the Commission is to meet.
   Failure of the Mayor or Council to make selections as provided herein shall authorize the Mayor to select such members as Council failed to select, and/or Council, by majority vote, to select such members as the Mayor failed to select, as the case may be.
   If both the Mayor and Council fail to meet the February closing date then the Council, by majority vote, will select all eight (8) members of the Charter Review Commission before March 30 of the year in which the Commission is to meet.
   Upon selection of the eight member Commission, the alternate member shall be designated. Designation of the alternate member shall be made by voluntary nomination or by a lottery.
   Within five (5) calendar months after such appointment, the Charter Review Commission shall recommend to Council such revisions or additions to the Charter, as in its judgment are desirable. The Council must submit to the electors not later than the next succeeding general election any such proposed alterations, revisions or amendments, unless rejected by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members of Council for each proposed amendment.
(Amendment passed by electorate 7-5-00; Amendment passed by electorate 11-8-05; Amendment passed by electorate 11-4-14)