   The Director of Public Safety shall be the head of the Police and Fire Departments and shall be responsible for the enforcement of all police, fire, health, safety and sanitary regulations that may be prescribed by resolutions and ordinances of the Municipality or laws of Ohio.
   The Police Department shall consist of a Chief of Police and such other officers, patrolmen and personnel as Council shall deem necessary or advisable. The Chief of Police shall be appointed by the Director of Public Safety with the affirmative vote of five (5) members of council. Other officers, patrolmen and personnel shall be appointed and promoted by the Director of Public Safety subject only to applicable Civil Service provisions of this Charter. Members of the Police Department shall be transferred, reduced, removed, suspended or otherwise disciplined by the Director of Public Service subject only to the applicable Civil Service provisions of this Charter.
A.   Notwithstanding any of the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code to the contrary, the Village of Mogadore agrees to abide by all provisions contained in Section 4117 of the Ohio Revised Code, and permit their full-time and part-time police personnel, with the exception of the Police Chief and captains:
   (1)   The right to form, join, or participate in any employee organization of their choosing;
   (2)   To bargain collectively with their public employer to determine wages, hours, terms, and other conditions of employment, and to enter into collective bargaining agreements; and
   (3)   To engage in other lawful concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining including arbitration, except that said employees are prohibited from engaging in any work stoppage or strike.
(Amendment passed by electorate 11-8-05; Amendment passed by electorate 11-2-10)
   The Fire Department shall consist of a Fire Chief and such other officers, firemen and personnel as Council shall deem advisable. The Fire Chief shall be appointed by the Director of Public Safety with the affirmative vote of five (5) members of Council. Other officers, firemen and personnel shall be appointed by the Director of Public Safety subject only to applicable Civil Service provisions of this Charter. Members of the Fire Department shall be transferred, reduced, removed, suspended or otherwise disciplined by the Director of Public Service subject only to the applicable Civil Service provisions of this Charter.
(Amendment passed by electorate 11-2-10)