(A)   Application. Any property owner, person, firm, company, or corporation desiring to drill a well for gas, oil, or other hydrocarbons within the corporate boundaries of the village shall apply for a conditional use certificate to the Planning Commission.
   (B)   Form and fee. All request for certification shall be accompanied by a completed application form, all required information, and the fee specified in the Permits and Approvals Fee Schedule. No refund of any part of a certificate application fee shall be made to an applicant in cases of a denial or revocation of a certificate by the village or to a certificate holder in the case of a dry hole or for failure to exercise the privilege to drill upon the site covered by the certificate. The application form shall be in such form and format as determined by the Village Clerk.
   (C)   Additional data. The following data shall also be submitted as part of the application:
      (1)   Site plan and vicinity map of the area involved in the application drawn to scale dimensions and showing thereon:
         (a)   The current lot lines of all abutting and other properties within 1,000 feet of the proposed well and storage tanks;
         (b)   The current location and use of all buildings and structures within 1,000 feet of the proposed well and storage tanks and associated equipment site(s);
         (c)   The names and addresses of all owners of property partly or fully within a radius of 150 feet of the proposed well and storage tanks and associate equipment site(s);
         (d)   The proposed location of pipelines to be utilized to transport gas and/or oil to off-site locations and facilities;
         (e)   The proposed location of the well and all associated appliances and facilities, such as well head, piping, separators, scrubbers, tank batteries, storage tanks, access roads, dikes, fences, and any other accouterments;
         (f)   A schematic of all pipe lines, connections and shut-off valves for emergency purposes; the schematics shall be modified and resubmitted to the village for emergency purposes at any time that a change in equipment for facilities occurs;
         (g)   Specific plans for the removal, disposal methods and disposal site of all spoils, saltwater, and other residues and waste materials resulting from the drilling, fracturing, or production of the well;
      (2)   Each individual, corporation or association who has been or will be contracted to haul brine or saltwater shall provide evidence of state certification, state permit or such other similar documentation as may be required to operate.
   (D)   Performance guarantees. At the time of approval, a cash or equivalent bond of not less than $10,000 per well, shall be deposited with the Village Clerk to serve as a financial guarantee for the compliance with the requirements of this chapter and other applicable sections of the village regulations. Guarantees shall be released upon completion of all landscaping, painting, fencing, and such other restoration as shall be deemed necessary. Completions shall be determined by the Zoning Inspector and Village Engineer after inspection of the facilities and site.
   (E)   Easements or options. Copies of easements or options for easements shall be submitted with the application for all pipe lines, production and processing equipment and access drives where all such facilities are to cross properties not included as part of the drill site or drill unit.
   (F)   Emergency information. In order that some responsible person may be reached at any time in the event of an emergency the name, address and telephone numbers of the persons responsible for the ownership, operation, and all maintenance of each drilled well, whether capped, temporarily out of production, not yet fractured, or in productions located within the village, and who are available at any time and who have knowledge of well fire treatment, shall be furnished to the Fire Chief, the Chief of Police and shall be provided to owners and adult occupants of any building or structure within 1,500 feet of the proposed well site. This information shall include the street location and state permit number and name of the well. The emergency information required by this division shall be prominently posted at the entrance to the access road to the drilled well site.
   (G)   State permits required. Applications for a well drilling conditional use zoning certificate shall be considered by the Planning Commission and Council only when the application includes a copy of currently valid permit issued by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil and Gas.
   (H)   Affidavit or compliance or exceptions. The applicant for a well drilling conditional use zoning certificate shall be required to file with the application, an affidavit stating that the applicant has complied with all conditions of this chapter and other applicable requirements of this code, or setting forth any exceptions thereto. Any false or erroneous statement in the affidavit shall be grounds to refuse to authorize a conditional use zoning certificate to drill or shall be grounds to revoke a certificate already authorized or issued by the village.
(Ord. passed 12-11-90; Am. Ord. 2018-80, passed 11-20-18)