(A)   The Municipal Building of the village, its facilities and the use thereof shall be under the exclusive control and jurisdiction of the Village Council.
   (B)   No changes either structurally or in appearance of the building or its surrounding premises shall be made without the express written consent of Council.
   (C)   Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 6:30 p.m. will be reserved exclusively for Council use. Saturdays until 12:00 noon will be reserved. Any special meetings required by Council will take precedence.
   (D)   Use of the Municipal Building or its facilities for other than village business may be granted by the Building Committee of Council. Application for use must be in writing and may be submitted to the Clerk-Treasurer. Reservations will be on a first come basis; however, no organization shall schedule more than two meetings during any calendar month when such meetings begin after 6:00 p.m.
   (E)   The person or persons to whom permission to use said facilities is granted shall be responsible and shall pay for any damages to said building, its fixtures or any property, real or personal, located therein, including any expense incurred by the village to clean said premises after said use. Additionally, such person or persons shall, prior to such use, execute a use agreement which shall set forth the precise terms and conditions of such use and which shall contain an indemnification and hold harmless provision in favor of the village. A copy of such agreement is attached to Ordinance 59-1990 and made a part hereof by reference. Further, the Clerk-Treasurer shall require a cash fee of $25, plus a cash deposit of $100, such cash deposit to be refunded to the person or persons being granted the use of the premises less an amount sufficient to cover any damages. The fee shall be waived for civic organizations.
   (F)   Youth groups using the facilities will have adult supervision at all times.
   (G)   To avoid conflict, the Building Committee will contact a designated representative of the Fire Department regarding use of the kitchen facilities only.
   (H)   The consuming of alcoholic beverages within the council chamber, kitchen facilities, public offices, rest rooms, entrances and exits, or grounds of the Municipal Building are absolutely prohibited except that beer may be so consumed if the prior consent of Council is obtained, which such consent shall not be granted except in those cases as are determined by a majority Council, upon formal motion to be of a community fund raising nature, or which serve a similar worthwhile community purpose. Except as provided by § 98.02, Smoking is permissible so long as ashtrays are utilized.
   (I)   Violations of those rules and regulations set forth herein are hereby deemed sufficient grounds for Council, at the recommendation of the Building Committee or a member of Council, to forbid, in writing, the violator or violators from entering upon the premises of the Municipal Building for so long a period of time as Council deems necessary in light of the violation or violations.
   (J)   Parking areas have been reserved for the Mayor, Clerk-Treasurer, Police Vehicles and Fire Department. Unauthorized vehicles parked in these areas may be towed or cited for illegal parking.
(Ord. 38-1971, passed 7-21-71; Am. Ord. 30-1977, passed 5-4-77; Am. Ord. 11-1978, passed 2-1-78; Am. Ord. 59-1990, passed 12-19-90)