(A)   The operation, maintenance and replacement (OM&R) portion of the total sewer user charges shall be deposited in a non-lapsing Sewer Maintenance Fund, or set of funds, and the revenues so deposited will be used only for the purposes of defraying the OM&R costs of the treatment works.
   (B)   Funds transferred from other revenue sources to meet temporary shortages in the OM&R accounts shall be refunded following an appropriate adjustment in the user charges for OM&R the Sewer Maintenance Fund will have a minimum of two primary accounts:
      (1)   An O&M account with provision for carry-over of the fiscal year end balance to meet the overall O&M costs in the subsequent fiscal year;
      (2)    A non-lapsing sinking fund for replacement costs which accrues funds through deposits made at least annually from OM&R use charge revenues. The deposits shall provide adequate revenues to meet the replacement needs of the treatment works over its service life and shall be used for no other purpose. For purposes of maintaining said fund on a perpetual basis, the municipality shall budget a sum of money not less than 20% of its annual projected operation and maintenance budget for the sewer treatment works. Fiscal year-end balances in the non-lapsing sinking fund will be carried over to the same fund in the subsequent year.
(Prior Code, § 3-206)