(A) Parking is prohibited at all times in the following locations.
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Cleveland Street | east | From its intersection with Fourth Street for a distance of approximately 200 feet to the Frank Stukenborg property | 76- | - -76 |
Cleveland Street | west | From the north side of Fifth Street to the Minster Machine Company's north property line | 1967-3 | 2-7-67 |
Eagle Drive | both | From State Route 66 (Main Street) to Independence Avenue | 79- | 3- -79 |
Executive Drive | east | Beginning 500 feet from the south right-of-way line of First Street and extending a distance south of 51 feet | 15-09-01 | 10-20-15 |
First Street | south | Within the area 560 feet east of the centerline of State Route 66 (Main Street) | 05-01-03 | 1-18-05 |
Industrial Park Drive | south | Beginning 184 feet from the west right-of-way line of Ohio Street and extending a distance west of 77 feet | 15-09-01 | 10-20-15 |
Jackson Street | east | From Fourth Street northward for a distance of 363 feet | 74-2-3 | 4-2-74 |
Lincoln Drive | west and south | 81-10-3 | 12-3-81 | |
North Lincoln Street | west | From the south right-of-way of Fifth Street to approximately 385 feet south (school bus loading and unloading) | 97-8-2 | - -97 |
Ohio Street | east | Beginning 203 feet from the north right-of-way line of Industrial Park Drive and extending a distance north of 50 feet | 15-09-01 | 10-20-15 |
Ohio Street | east and west | Between Third Street and Fourth Street | 92-2-1 | 3- -92 |
Seventh Street | north | Westward from Main Street to the east line of the Canal Road | 74-2-3 | 4-2-74 |
Seventh Street | south | Westward from the centerline of Main Street for a distance of 140 feet | 74-2-3 | 4-2-74 |
Seventh Street | south | From Cleveland Street eastward to the west edge of Canal Road | 74-2-3 | 4-2-74 |
South Cleveland Street | west | Approximately 62 feet from the south right-of-way line of Third Street and extending a distance south of approximately 72 feet | 19-05-02 | 6-19-19 |
South Main Street | east | Between the south corporation line and the south line of First Street | 88-7-3 | 7-25-88 |
South Main Street | west | No truck parking for a distance of 200 feet northward from the centerline of First Street (“truck” shall not include pick-up trucks and vans) | 89- | - -89 |
Southgate Drive | both | 93-7-1 | - -93 | |
State Route 66 | North of Seventh Street to the north corporation line of the village | 76-9- | 9-7-76 | |
(B) Whoever violates this schedule is guilty of a minor misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $100.