Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
1968- | - -68 | Authorizing the annexation of certain territory being the east part of outlot number one, the east part containing 2.46 acres, on the south side of the northeast quarter of section 27, town 7 south, range 4 east |
72-8-2 | 8-19-72 | Annexation of certain territory situate in the Township of Jackson, County of Auglaize, being a tract of land comprising 1.05 acres measuring 282.6 feet from north to south and 161.3 feet from east to west |
74- | - -74 | Annexation of certain territory, being part of Outlot No. 1 of William Menke’s Subdivision of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 35 Jackson Township, town 7 south, range 4 east |
75-4- | 4-1-75 | Annexing certain territory situate in the Township of Jackson, being part of outlot number 1 of William Menke's Subdivision, a part of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 35, Jackson Township, tier 7 south, range 4 east, with respect to the first principal meridian |
75-9-2 | 10-7-75 | Annexation of the land adjoining the sewage plant |
76-4-1 | 4-12-76 | Annexation of a 15.08 acre parcel being part of Lots 3, 4, and 5 of the F.H. Bushman Survey within the south half of the northwest quarter of Section 26, Jackson Township T7S, R4E |
76-11-4 | - -76 | Accepting annexation of certain territory commencing at the intersection of State Route 66 and State Route 362, said point being the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of section 35, town 7 south, range 4 east, Jackson Township, containing in all 6.89 acres |
80-8-1 | - -80 | Accepting the annexation of certain territory in Jackson Township being a strip of land 34 feet in width along the east side of the Miami and Erie Canal extending from the Minster- Egypt Road south, to the land owned by the Village of Minster, known as the sewage disposal plant ground |
82-12-1 | 1-4-83 | Accepting the annexation of certain territory located in Jackson Township situate in the southeast quarter of section 34, township 7 south, range 4 east, containing 21.0 acres of land more or less |
84- | - -84 | Accepting the annexation of certain territory located in Jackson Township containing 8 acres more or less |
84- | - -84 | Accepting the annexation of certain territory located in Jackson Township containing 8.812 acres more or less |
85-6-4 | 6-18-85 | Authorizing the annexation of the industrial park, being 57.6 acres located in the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter and part of the west half of the west half of the southeast quarter of section 34, town 7 south, range 4 east |
86-2-1 | 3-18-86 | Accepting the annexation of certain territory in Jackson Township containing 57.6 acres |
87-7-2 | 8-4-87 | Authorizing the annexation of the former Thelma Schmitmeyer land, containing 102 acres more or less |
88-1- | - -88 | Authorizing annexation of the former Farno property |
88- | - -88 | Accepting annexation of 102.68 acres located in Jackson Township |
88-3-4 | - -88 | Accepting annexation of 6.115 acres located in Jackson Township |
91- | - -91 | Annexing certain territory (State Route 66 North) in Jackson Township |
93- | 2-12-93 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing 0.688 acres more or less |
93-10-2 | - -93 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing 7.77 acres more or less |
93- | - -93 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing 6.443 acres more or less |
94-3-4 | 6-9-94 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing 81.543 acres more or less |
94-12-1 | 1-3-95 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing 0.84 acres more or less |
94-12-2 | 1-3-95 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing 14.105 acres more or less |
95-6-5 | - -95 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing 1.182 acres more or less |
95-7-2 | 8-15-95 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing 3.48 acres more or less |
99-9-1 | - -99 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing 0.619 acres more or less |
00-2-1 | 2-15-00 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing 24.322 acres more or less |
01-09-01 | - -01 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing .241 acres more or less (Arrowhead Park Golf Course) |
06-09-01 | 9-5-06 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing 3.214 acres more or less |
07-02-03 | 2-27-07 | Authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement by village with Jackson Township for property owned by Steven and Teresa M. Wacker |
07-05-01 | 5-1-07 | Authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement by village with Jackson Township for property owned by Diamond Estates, LLC |
07-05-02 | 5-1-07 | Authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement by village with Jackson Township for property owned by Gary John Oldiges and Mary Phyllis Oldiges |
07-07-01 | 7-17-07 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing 4.000 acres more or less |
07-08-02 | 8-21-07 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing 10.582 acres more or less |
07-08-03 | 8-21-07 | Annexing certain territory in Jackson Township containing 4.288 acres more or less |
08-01-03 | 2-19-08 | Authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement by the village with Jackson Township with Juliana M. Weigandt and Richard L. Weigandt |
08-07-01 | 8-5-08 | Annexing certain territory containing 1.863 acres, more or less, in Jackson Township |
09-09-03 | 10-20-09 | Authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement by the village with Jackson Township with Joan Homan |
10-03-01 | 4-6-10 | Annexing certain territory containing 1.439 acres, more or less, in Jackson Township |
10-12-06 | 12-7-10 | Authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement by the village with Jackson Township with the Dannon Company |
11-03-02 | 4-5-11 | Annexing certain territory containing 22.723 acres, more or less, in Jackson Township to the village |
11-03-05 | 3-15-11 | Authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement by the village with Jackson Township for property owned by Kay Schmiesing (Petitioner) as attached to Ordinance 11-03-05 |
11-07-01 | 8-2-11 | Annexing certain territory containing .583 acres, more or less, in Jackson Township to the village |
13-01-01 | 2-5-13 | Authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement with Jackson Township for property owned by Jeannette Weaver (Petitioner) |
13-05-01 | 6-18-13 | Annexing certain territory containing .42 acres, more or less, in Jackson Township to the village |
15-02-01 | 3-3-15 | Authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement by the village with Jackson Township |
15-02-02 | 3-3-15 | Authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement by the village with Jackson Township |
15-07-01 | 8-4-15 | Annexing certain territory containing 3.21 acres, more or less, in Jackson Township to the village |
16-05-01 | 7-5-16 | Annexing certain territory containing 1.537 acres, more or less, in Jackson Township to the village. |
16-11-01 | 12-6-16 | Authorizing execution of an annexation agreement by the village with Jackson Township. |
17-01-01 | 2-7-17 | Authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement by the village with Jackson Township. |
17-02-03 | 3-7-17 | Authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement by the village with Jackson Township. |
17-03-01 | 4-18-17 | Annexing certain territory containing 7.000 acres, more or less, in Jackson Township to the village. |
17-07-02 | 8-1-17 | Annexing certain territory containing 17.501 acres, more or less, in Jackson Township to the village. |
17-07-03 | 8-1-17 | Annexing certain territory containing 0.907 acres, more or less, in Jackson Township to the village. |
20-06-01 | 7-7-20 | Annexing certain territory containing 18.441 acres, more or less, in Jackson Township to the village |