All lots or parcels of land within the limits of the village shall be so drained or graded by the owners or occupants thereof as to prevent water standing thereon; and the owner or occupant of each and every lot or parcel of land whereon such standing or stagnant water shall be notified in writing by the chairman of the public works committee of the village to fill up, grade or drain the same within a reasonable time, so as to prevent any such stagnant or standing water. Any such person so notified who shall fail to comply with such notice shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to penalty; and in case of continued failure or neglect of such owner or occupant, after being duly notified as aforesaid, and in case such owner of such lots or parcels of ground is a nonresident, such filling up, draining or grading such lots or parcels of ground shall be done by the chairman of the public works committee and the cost thereof shall be borne by said lots or parcels of ground, and collected in a manner provided by law. (1904 Code § 26.7)