The police chief or his designee shall investigate all bites by dogs or other animals. In the event a noninoculated animal bites a person, said animal shall be quarantined at any approved location, for a period of ten (10) days, and it shall be the duty at the owner's expense to have the animal examined by a physician or licensed veterinarian at the commencement and termination of the ten (10) day period. If such animal, during this period, shall die or shall show definite signs of illness, it shall be the duty of the owner or person having custody of the animal to turn the dog over to the police chief or his designee or animal control department so that it can be determined whether or not the dog has rabies. Inoculated animals may be quarantined in the home of the owner if the bite is below the shoulders, and, after inspection by the police chief or his designee or animal control department, the location is deemed satisfactory for confinement. (Ord. 2006-36, 10-10-2006)