A.   There is hereby established a code hearing department. The function is to expedite the prosecution and correction of ordinance violations in the manner as set forth in this chapter. The provisions as set forth in this chapter are for the adjudication of village ordinances except for:
      1.   The standing and parking of vehicles, the condition and use of vehicle equipment, and the display of wheel tax licenses;
      2.   Village, building code or zoning ordinances that establish construction, plumbing, heating, electrical, fire prevention, sanitation or other health and safety standards that are applicable to structures in the village or any village ordinance that requires, after notice, the cutting of weeds, the removal of garbage and debris, the removal of inoperable motor vehicles, or the abatement of nuisances from private property;
      3.   Building code violations that must be adjudicated pursuant to 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-31.1 et seq.; and
      4.   Any offense under the Illinois vehicle code or similar offense that is a traffic regulation governing the movement of vehicles, and except for any reportable offense under 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/6-204. (Ord. 2011-28, 12-20-2011)