A.   Adoption Of Budget Law: The village of Minooka hereby adopts sections 8-2-9.1 through 8-2-9.10 of the Illinois municipal code1. 65 ILCS 5/8-2-9.1 – 5/8-2-9.10.1 to establish a budget officer, to be designated by the village president with the approval of the corporate authorities. The budget officer shall take an oath and post a bond as provided in section 3.1-10-25 of the Illinois municipal code2. 65 ILCS 5/3.1-10-25.2.
   B.   Position Established: The position of village budget officer is hereby established as an officer of the village of Minooka. The village administrator shall serve as village budget officer.
   C.   Duties: The village budget officer shall have the following powers and duties:
      1.   To permit and encourage and establish the use of efficient planning, budgeting, auditing, reporting, accounting and other fiscal management procedures in all village departments, commissions and boards.
      2.   To compile an annual budget in accordance with state law governing the compilation and contents of budgets3. 65 ILCS 5/8-2-9.3.3 .
      3.   To examine all books and records of all village departments, commissions and boards which relate to monies received by the village, its departments, commissions and boards; and paid out by the village, its departments, commissions and boards, debts and accounts receivable; and amounts owed by or to the village, its departments, commissions and boards.
      4.   To obtain such additional information from the village, its departments, commissions and boards as may be useful to the village budget officer for purposes of compiling a municipal budget, such information to be furnished by the village, its departments, commissions and boards in the form required by the village budget officer. Any department, commission or board which refuses to make such information as is requested of it available to the village budget officer shall not be permitted to make expenditures under any subsequent budget for the village until such department, commission, or board has complied in full with the request of the village budget officer.
      5.   To establish and maintain such procedures as shall ensure that no expenditures are made by the village, its departments, commissions or boards except as authorized by the budget. (Ord. 2003-05, 2-11-2003)