The office of village administrator is hereby created subject to the provisions of this section.
A. Qualifications: The village administrator shall be appointed by the village president with the advice and consent of the board of trustees solely on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications with special reference to specific professional education for, actual experience in, and knowledge of accepted practice in respect to the administration of local government and to the duties of the office as specified below. The appointment shall be made without consideration of the candidate's race, sex, politics, or religious beliefs. The person appointed to this office need not be a resident of the village or of the state of Illinois at the time of appointment. Neither the village president nor any member of the village board shall receive such appointment during their term of office or within two (2) years after the expiration of that term.
B. Employment Contract; Term: The village administrator shall be employed by contract, the terms of which shall be agreed upon by both the village administrator and a majority of the corporate authorities of the village. The term of the village administrator shall be for no less than one year and no longer than the term of the village president holding office at the time the contract is entered.
C. Compensation: The rate of compensation of the village administrator shall be set by the village president and board of trustees and may be adjusted from time to time as the village board deems appropriate. Subject to the terms and conditions of state law and this section, the village board and the administrator shall enter into an employment contract which specifies in writing the level of compensation and other appropriate agreements describing the working relationship between the administrator and the village board.
D. Removal: The village administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the village president and the board of trustees. The administrator may be removed from office by the village president with the advice and consent of four (4) members of the board of trustees.
E. Oath And Bond: Before entering upon the duties of this office, the village administrator shall furnish a bond in such amount and with such surety as may be approved by the board of trustees, but not to be less than twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00). The cost of such bond shall be paid by the village.
Before entering upon the duties of this office, the village administrator shall take and subscribe the oath prescribed by the statutes of the state of Illinois in such case provided.
F. Temporary Absence: During the temporary absence or disability of the village administrator, the village president with the advice and consent of the board of trustees may designate some qualified person to act as village administrator until such time as the village administrator returns to duty.
G. Powers And Duties: The village administrator under and subject to the direction of the village president and the board of trustees shall be the chief administrator of the village and shall be responsible to the village president and board of trustees for the proper administration of the affairs of the village. To that end, the village administrator shall have the authority and shall be required to:
1. On behalf of the village president and board of trustees, administer, supervise and control the affairs of the village in accordance with the policies set by the village president and board of trustees.
2. Cooperate with such advisory boards and commissions that the village board has and shall create at the direction from the village board.
3. Supervise and coordinate the work of all departments of the village in accordance with policies set by the president and board of trustees.
4. Recommend for appointment, promotion, and dismissal the department heads and all personnel necessary to fill all positions created by the village board which are vacant.
5. Receive and investigate all complaints in relation to matters concerning the administration of the government of the village and the services maintained by the public utilities in the village and see that all franchises, permits and privileges granted by the village are faithfully observed.
6. Purchase all materials, supplies and equipment subject to and pursuant to directives of the village board and within the bounds of the appropriations. These purchases shall be subject to and conform with the law as set forth in the statutes of the state of Illinois, especially those laws pertaining to the creation of liabilities against the village and pertaining to the expenditure of monies appropriated by the village. The village administrator shall make all necessary purchases of supplies and equipment for all departments of the village and for that purpose is authorized to make expenditures of up to one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) without preliminary authorization of the village board. All expenditures are subject to the confirmation or approval of the village board and must be limited to the budget or special appropriation. The village administrator may propose rules and regulations governing requisitions and the transaction of the business of purchasing between himself as purchasing agent and the heads of departments, officers and employees of the village.
7. Prepare or cause to be prepared on or before April 1 of each year a budget report indicating the funds necessary to defray the estimated expenses of the village for the fiscal year:
a. Prepare or cause to be prepared the annual appropriation ordinance in time for consideration and enactment by the village board as required by statute.
b. Prepare or cause to be prepared the annual tax levy. Nothing herein set forth shall give the village administrator powers not permitted by professional ethics and standards.
8. Promptly following the end of the fiscal year, submit to the village board a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the village for said fiscal year.
9. Each month present to the village board a joint statement with the village treasurer showing the financial condition of the village as of the end of the preceding month and showing expended amounts and unexpended balances for each department in accordance with the annual budget.
10. Keep a current inventory of all real and personal property of the village and location of such property. The village administrator shall be responsible for the care and the custody of all village property which is not by statute or ordinance assigned to some other officer or body for caring and control.
11. Devote his entire time to the discharge of his official duties, or in the case of a part time village administrator, shall devote the time agreed upon with the village to the discharge of his official duties.
12. Submit to the village board all matters requiring village board action or attention. All offices and departments shall submit all matters requiring village board action or attention to the village administrator. All requests by the village board of employees or departments relating to the village board's administrative supervision and control of the affairs of the village and employees shall be submitted to the village administrator who shall then act on behalf of the village board in accordance with the board's direction.
13. Attend all meetings of the village board. The village administrator shall have the right to take part in the discussion of all matters coming before the village board, but shall have no right to vote. (Ord. 1999-14, 6-8-1999)