It shall be the duty of the village treasurer:
A. To receive all monies belonging to the village, and to keep correct and true account of the same in an intelligible manner, showing when and for whom and on what account received, and when, to whom and on what account paid out, keeping a separate account of each fund or appropriation, and the debits and credits belonging thereto.
B. To give every person paying money to the treasury a receipt therefor specifying the date of payment and upon what account paid, copies of which receipts he shall file with the village clerk at the date of his monthly reports.
C. To render to the village president and board of trustees at each regular monthly meeting of the same a report, under oath, showing the state of the treasury at the date of such report and the balance of money in the treasury, which report he shall accompany with a detailed statement of all monies received into the treasury from the date of the preceding monthly report, together with all warrants redeemed and paid by him, which warrants he shall stamp or mark "paid", and he shall deliver the same with any and all other vouchers held by him to the village clerk upon every day of such settlement to be filed in the clerk's office.
D. To pay out all monies that may be ordered by the board of trustees, upon warrants signed by the village president of the board and countersigned by the village clerk, and keep a register of all warrants redeemed and paid describing such warrants by showing the amount, number, the fund from which paid, of each warrant and the name of the person to whom paid, and when paid.
E. To, annually between May 1 and May 10, make out and file with the village clerk a full and detailed statement or account of all receipts and expenditures of the village as shown by the books of his office, up to the date of the statement, and of all his transactions as village treasurer, and shall show in such account the state of the treasury at the close of each fiscal year, which account the clerk of the village shall immediately post in place of holding meetings of the board of trustees.
F. In addition to the duties herein enumerated, the village treasurer shall perform such other duties as now are, or hereafter may be, required of him by ordinance of the village or by the laws of the state. (1904 Code § 29.4)