At all meetings of the village president and board of trustees the following rules of order shall be observed:
   Rule 1. The village president shall preside at all meetings of the board of trustees, and shall take the chair at the time appointed for the board to meet, and shall immediately call the members to order; and the president may and shall, at the request of the members present, order the attendance of absent members.
   Rule 2. In the absence of the village president at any meeting, the board of trustees shall appoint one of their number to act as chairman pro tem, who shall perform the duties of chairman for the time being.
   Rule 3. At each meeting of the board of trustees, business shall be taken up (unless otherwise ordered) in the following order:
      1.   Calling the roll of members, noting those absent as well as those present.
      2.   Reading minutes of previous meeting.
      3.   Reading and referring communications other than petitions.
      4.   Unfinished business.
      5.   Reports of committees.
      6.   Petitions and accounts.
      7.   New business.
   Rule 4. The village president shall have the right to decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the board of trustees.
   Rule 5. The village president shall preserve decorum, and if any member transgresses the rules of the board of trustees, the village president shall, or any member may, call to order, in which case the member called to order shall immediately sit down and be silent, unless permitted to explain; and the board of trustees, if applied to, shall decide the matter.
   Rule 6. Every member present when a question is put, shall vote, unless personally interested, or the board of trustees shall, for special reason excuse him; except the village president shall not vote except in case of a tie, when he shall give the casting vote.
   Rule 7. Every motion, resolution or proposition shall, if the village president, village clerk or any other member require it, be reduced to writing.
   Rule 8. When a motion is made, it shall be deemed to be in possession of the board of trustees, and shall be started by the president, or, being in writing, shall be read previous to debate.
   Rule 9. After the motion is stated by the village president, or read, it may be withdrawn by the mover thereof at any time before decision or amendment, on leave of the board of trustees.
   Rule 10. All questions shall be put: "As many as are in favor of (as the case may be) say 'aye', contrary, 'no'", and in doubtful cases the president may direct or any member may call for a division.
   Rule 11. No vote of the board of trustees shall be considered at a special meeting unless at such special meeting there be present as large a number of trustees as were present when such vote was taken.
   Rule 12. Upon request of any two (2) trustees present, final action on any report of a committee of the board of trustees shall be deferred to the next regular meeting of the board after the report is made.
   Rule 13. When a question is before the board of trustees, no motion shall be received, unless to adjourn, to lay on the table, the previous question, to amend, to refer or to postpone, the first three (3) of which shall be decided without debate.
   Rule 14. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, unless the board of trustees is engaged in voting.
   Rule 15. The previous question shall be put in these words, "Shall the main question now be put?" and if decided in the affirmative, the question shall be immediately taken on the main question, and amendments thereto pending, in their order.
   Rule 16. Any member may call for a division of the question when the sense will admit thereof.
   Rule 17. The ayes and nays shall be taken and recorded upon the passage of all ordinances, and on all propositions to create any liability against the village, or for the expenditure of its money, and in all other cases upon the call of any one member; and the concurrence of a majority of all the trustees elected shall be necessary to the passage of any such ordinance or proposition; but a concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of all the trustees elected shall be required to sell any village property.
   Rule 18. Any member may protest against the passage of any ordinance, resolution or order of the board of trustees, and have such protest entered upon the journal.
   Rule 19. All committees shall be appointed by the village president, unless otherwise ordered by the board of trustees; provided, that the standing committees of the board of trustees shall always be appointed by the village president.
   Rule 20. No member shall leave the meetings of the board of trustees in session, except by unanimous consent.
   Rule 21. All ordinances shall be read before final passage, and shall not be ordered to be put upon their final passage at the same meeting at which they are introduced, if objections are made by any member of the board of trustees to any further consideration until the next regular meeting.
   Rule 22. No personalities or reflections injurious to the feelings or harmony of the board of trustees shall be tolerated, and the members indulging in the same shall be called to order by the village president.
   Rule 23. Members shall rise to speak or make a motion and shall respectfully address the chair as "Mr. President" and shall not proceed until their names are called by that officer.
   Rule 24. When the village president is personally interested in the decision of any question, the village clerk shall put the motion.
   Rule 25. All ordinances passed by the board of trustees shall be signed by the village president and attested by the village clerk. (1904 Code § 2.6; amd. 1997 Code)
   Rule 26. The village president or village clerk shall be responsible for meeting agenda. All subjects to be placed on the agenda shall be requested or submitted to either the village president or village clerk before twelve o'clock (12:00) noon on the Friday prior to the meeting. Only business on the meeting agenda shall be presented to the board of trustees, except by majority agreement of the board of trustees. (Ord. 1978-8, 1978; amd. 1997 Code)