The fine payment schedule shall read as follows:
Standing And Parking Violations
(Except Handicap), Condition And Use Of Vehicle Equipment, And Display Of Wheel Tax License
Handicapped Parking
Step 1: If you are served with a "violation notice" and pay before the first hearing, or appear at the first hearing and found liable, the fine shall be:
Amount of the fine per village ordinance
Amount of the fine per state statute
Step 2: If you fail to appear at the first hearing, the fine must be paid before the second hearing and shall be:
Double the amount of the fine
Double the amount of the fine; maximum amount $1,000.00
Step 3: If you fail to appear at the second hearing, the fine must be paid before the third hearing and shall be:
Double the amount due; maximum amount $250.00
Double the amount due; maximum amount $1,000.00
Step 4: If you fail to appear at the third hearing, or upon a final determination of liability, the fine shall be:
Double the amount due; maximum amount $250.00
Double the amount due; maximum amount $1,000.00
(Ord. 2011-29, 12-20-2011)