A.   Code Adopted: The International Building Code, 2018 edition, including Appendix Chapters C, F, G, H, I and K, as published by the International Code Council, is hereby adopted as the Building Code of the Village of Minooka, in the State of Illinois. It shall be unlawful to erect or improve any building or structure which does not comply with said code, except as hereinafter provided.
   B.   Copies on File: At least one copy of the 2018 International Building Code has been on file in the village hall for more than thirty (30) days prior to the adoption hereof and is now on file. The building officer and inspector shall keep on file in his office at least one copy of the 2018 International Building Code , which shall be available for inspection.
   C.   Modification: The 2018 International Building Code adopted by subpart A of this section is further revised, modified, added to, and/or supplemented by the following, which shall supersede the relevant portions of said code to the extent of any conflict:
      1.   Section 101.1 Title. Insert: Village of Minooka
      2.   Section 101.4.3. Plumbing. Delete everything after "101.4.3. Plumbing." and insert the following:
         “The provisions of the Current Edition of the Illinois State Plumbing Code, as adopted by the Illinois Department of Public Health shall apply to the installation, alteration, repair and replacement of plumbing systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances, and where connected to a water or sewage system and all aspects of a medical gas system, the provisions of the Illinois Private Sewage Disposal Code shall apply to private sewage disposal systems.”
      3.   Section 101.4.6. Energy. Delete everything after “101.4.6. Energy.” and insert the following:
         “The provisions of the Current Edition of the Illinois Energy Conservation Code, as adopted by the State of Illinois Capital Development Board shall apply to all matters governing the design and construction of buildings for energy efficiency.”
      4.   Section 105.2 Work Exempt from permit. Buildings: Delete the following Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 6.
      5.   Add Section 105.8 as follows:
         “105.8 Condition of Permit. Upon completion of the foundation walls and any structural elements which are a necessary part of the construction of the foundation walls, or are necessary for the completion of the foundation walls, and before proceeding with further construction, he or she shall file with the department, a survey, prepared and signed by a registered Illinois land surveyor, showing the location of the structure perpendicularly to lot lines and the elevation of the top of the foundation walls at all four (4) corners for which a foundation permit has been issued.”
      6.   Section 202 Definitions. Delete the words “International Plumbing Code” and insert the words “the Current Edition of the Illinois State Plumbing Code, as adopted by the Illinois Department of Public Health”.
      7.   Section 202 Definitions. Delete the words “International Energy Conservation Code” and insert the words “the Current Edition of the Illinois Energy Conservation Code, Code, as adopted by the State of Illinois Capital Development Board”.
      8.   Section 603.1.2 Piping. Delete the words “International Plumbing Code” and insert the words “the Current Edition of the Illinois State Plumbing Code, as adopted by the Illinois Department of Public Health”.
      9.   Section 718.5 Combustible materials in concealed spaces in Type I or II construction. Delete the words “International Plumbing Code” and insert the words “the Current Edition of the Illinois State Plumbing Code, as adopted by the Illinois Department of Public Health”.
      10.   Section 903.2 Where required. Delete the following sections: 903.2.1, 903.2.1.1, 903.2.1.3, 903.2.1.4, 903.2.1.5, 903.2.2, 903.2.3, 903.2.4, 903.2.4.1, 903.2.6, 903.2.7, 903.2.9, and 903.2.10.
      11.   Insert new section 903.2.1 as follows:
         “903.2.1 Where required. An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in new buildings and structures in accordance with NFPA 13.
         Exception: a building or structure within the M1 or M2 Manufacturing District that does not have more than 12,000 square foot of floor area classified as either an Accessory building or a group S1 or S2 storage building.”
      12.   Section 903.3.5 Water Supplies. Delete the words “International Plumbing Code” and insert the words “the Current Edition of the Illinois State Plumbing Code, as adopted by the Illinois Department of Public Health”.
      13.   Section 1102.1 Design. Delete everything after “Section 1102.1 Design” and insert the following:
         “Buildings and Facilities shall be designed and constructed to be accessible in accordance with this code, the ICC A117.1 and the Current edition of the Illinois Accessibility Code adopted by the Illinois Capital Development Board.”
      14.   Section 1202.1 General. Delete the words “International Energy Conservation Code” and insert the words “the Current Edition of the Illinois Energy Conservation Code, Code, as adopted by the State of Illinois Capital Development Board”.
      15.   Section 1202.4.3.2 Conditioned space. Delete the words “International Energy Conservation Code” and insert the words “the Current Edition of the Illinois Energy Conservation Code, Code, as adopted by the State of Illinois Capital Development Board”.
      16.   Section 1301.1.1 Criteria. Delete the words “International Energy Conservation Code” and insert the words “the Current Edition of the Illinois Energy Conservation Code, Code, as adopted by the State of Illinois Capital Development Board”.
      17.   Chapter 29 Plumbing Systems. Delete this chapter in its entirety and inserting as follows:
         “The provisions of the Current Edition of the Illinois State Plumbing Code, as adopted by the Illinois Department of Public Health shall apply to the installation, alteration, repair and replacement of plumbing systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances, and where connected to a water or sewage system and all aspects of a medical gas system, the provisions of the Illinois Private Sewage Disposal Code shall apply to private sewage disposal systems.”
      18.   Section 3305.1 Facilities required. Delete the words “International Plumbing Code” and insert the words “the Current Edition of the Illinois State Plumbing Code, as adopted by the Illinois Department of Public Health”. (Ord. 2010-28, 10-26-2010; amd. Ord. 2013-33, 12-17-2013; Ord. 2020-29, 10-27-2020)