A. In the event that any fine, charge, fee, penalty, or payment, however described, due and owing to the Village pursuant to any provision of the Village Code (a “Debt”) goes unpaid for more than thirty (30) days (unless another timeframe is specified elsewhere in this Code) after the person responsible for such payment (the “Responsible Person”) has been notified of the existence of such outstanding Debt as set forth in the various provisions of this Code, or if none is stated by written notice personally delivered or mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Responsible Person at their last known address on file with the Village (or if none then at their last known address as determined by the Village after a diligent search), the Village may transfer or assign said Debt to a private collection agency or attorney of the Village’s choosing for collection purposes. Any such collection agency or attorney shall, for the purposes of collecting any Debt so transferred or assigned, be deemed an agent of the Village. Nothing in this Section is intended or shall be deemed to limit or restrict the Village’s ability to pursue any and all rights, remedies, and causes of action as may be available to it at law or in equity in the normal course of its business.
B. In the event that the Village transfers or assigns any Debt to a private collection agency or attorney for collection, a collection fee equal to thirty-five percent (35%) of the outstanding Debt will be assessed against the Responsible Person and added to the balance of the Debt in order to offset the Village’s costs, expenses, and fees associated with collection.
C. In the event that the Village pursues collection of any Debt by any other means, the Responsible Person shall be held liable to the Village for any and all costs, expenses, and fees, including without limitation a reasonable attorney’s fee, incurred by the Village for the collection of such Debt, which shall be added to the balance of the Debt as an additional fine, charge, fee, penalty, or payment, as the case may be, subject to any applicable statutory limitations. (Ord. 2022-12, 3-22-2022; amd. Ord. 2023-10, 2-28-2023)