(A)   Owners or occupants of premises are required to keep the same clean. Every person owning or occupying any premises and any person owning a vacant lot or lots, except as defined as HEAVILY WOODED, in the town limits shall keep the premises free from noxious weeds, trash and odor.
   (B)   Persons violating section to be notified. If any person shall violate the provisions of division (A) above, it shall be the duty of the Town Manager or his or her associate to give notice to the owner or person in possession of the premises that within seven days, or sooner from the date of receipt of the notice, all weeds, trash and other offensive animal or vegetable matter be removed from the lot. Should any owner or occupant fail to comply with the notice, the Town Manager shall proceed to have items removed and the owner or occupant shall be responsible to the town for the cost thereof.
   (C)   Yards; time for cutting. Every owner or person in possession of a lot on which a dwelling exists and any person owning a vacant lot or lots, except as defined as HEAVILY WOODED, within the town limits shall cut within four inches of the ground, all weeds, grass or other noxious growth, except for natural growth areas, from the lot at least three times each year. The first not later than June 1, the second not later than August 1 and the third not later than October 1 of each year. If weeds or other noxious growth are not cut in compliance with this subchapter, the Town Manager shall proceed to have the weeds or other noxious growth cut and the owner or person in possession of the lot shall be responsible to the town for the cost thereof.
(1981 Code, Ch. G, Art. I, § 4) (Am. Ord. passed 7-11-2017) Penalty, see § 10.99