(A)   The owner of any property seeking to have the property developed in the R-MU District shall submit a master plan for all property designated (or requested to be designated) as an R-MU development at least 30 days prior to the Planning Board meeting at which the owner desires the Board to review the master plan.
   (B)   Ten copies of the master plan shall be submitted to the Town Clerk.
   (C)   The master development plan must show, at a minimum, the following items:
      (1)   All proposed public or private street rights-of-way and easements;
      (2)   The proposed location of all single-family dwellings and developments;
      (3)   The proposed location of all two-family and multi-family developments;
      (4)   The proposed location of all recreational areas;
      (5)   The proposed location of all office and professional areas;
      (6)   The proposed location of all commercial areas;
      (7)   The proposed location of all utility areas;
      (8)   The proposed density of development for each site designated for the following uses: single- family residential, two-family residential, multi-family residential, office and professional and commercial. Furthermore, the development plan shall include the gross acreage for the project, and each use therein and the gross residential density (including recreational and open spaces); and
      (9)   Any other information requested by the Planning Board or Town Commissioners.
   (D)   The Town Commissioners, following review and recommendation by the Planning Board, may approve the proposed master plan if it determines that it is in the best interest of the town because the plan meets the requirements of § 151.168 and the requirements of this subchapter and represents a comprehensive and coordinated approach to land planning and use of the property so designated. Once the master plan is approved by the Town Commissioners, the applicant may proceed under § 151.374.
(Ord. passed 2-10-2009, § 14.41)